The Institute for Biohealth Innovation

College of Public Health

Denise Hines, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Social Work

PhD, Psychology, Boston University

Key Interests
Interpersonal Violence | Domestic Violence | Family Violence | Sexual Assault | Stalking | Violence Prevention | Male Victims | Sexual Minority Victims | Child Abuse

Research Focus

My research focuses on the causes, consequences, and prevention of various forms of interpersonal violence, such as domestic violence, family violence, sexual assault, and stalking. I’m especially interested in victims that aren’t typically recognized or served by our service systems, such as sexual minorities and men. I research their relationship experiences, what happens when they seek help, and ways to improve our responses to these victims and their children. I’m also interested in the intersection of interpersonal violence with other social issues, such as substance use, guns, and suicide. I co-directed a nationally-recognized college sexual assault prevention program and am looking to expand those efforts into other populations.

Current Projects

■ I am developing a project with colleagues to assess whether domestic violence victimization, lack of help-seeking, and thwarted help-seeking efforts are associated with suicidal behavior.

■ I am working with an international collaboration of colleagues to understand the similarities and differences in the experiences of domestic violence among men in different countries.

■ I have ongoing collaborations with colleagues to develop and evaluate campus sexual assault prevention initiatives. As part of this work, we are also evaluating campus sexual assault climate survey data and how it can improve our efforts.

■ I am working on a project to better understand the ways in which unique experiences of domestic violence among sexual minorities contributes to their mental and physical health.

Select Publications

D. A. Hines & E. M. Douglas, An empirical test of Johnson’s typology of intimate partner violence in two samples of men. Partner Abuse 10(2), 180-198 (2019).

J. J. Harman et al., Parental alienating behaviors: an unacknowledged form of family violence. Psychol Bull 144(12), 1275-1299 (2018).

D. A. Hines & K. M. Palm Reed, Bystander prevention of sexual and dating violence: an experimental evaluation of online and in-person bystander intervention programs. Partner Abuse 8(4), 331-346 (2017).

E. Ollen et al., Sexual minority college students’ perceptions on dating violence and sexual assault. J Couns Psychol 64 (1), 112-119 (2017).


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