The Institute for Biohealth Innovation

College of Public Health

Debora Goetz Goldberg, PhD


PhD, Health Related Sciences, Specialty Track – Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University

Key Interests
Primary Care | Women’s Health | Implementation Science | Organizational Research | Qualitative Research | Survey Research | Mixed Methods Research

Research Focus

I have 25 years of experience in research, consulting, and health administration. My experience includes quantitative and qualitative research on competitive research grants and contractual studies for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). I am an organizational researcher focusing on topics related to primary care practice transformation and delivery of health services to women and underserved populations. My expertise is in designing and conducting surveys, conducting interviews and focus groups, and other qualitative methods such as document reviews and observations. I also teach courses on qualitative research methods and on the United States healthcare system.

Current Projects

■ Heart of Virginia Healthcare (HVH) Project, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: This project investigates primary care physician and staff burnout and work satisfaction and applying change management principles to practice transformation. It also includes large-scale quality improvement participation, incorporating perspectives from research team members and participating practices.

■ Evaluation of Patient-Centered Medical Homes for Patients with Complex Chronic Conditions, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

■ A Case Study of Cross-Sector Collaboration in Providing Care to Underserved Populations, George Mason University MAP Clinics

Select Publications

D. G. Goldberg et al., Pseudophakic mini- monovision: high patient satisfaction, reduced spectacle dependence, and low cost. BMC Ophthalmology 18, 293 (2018).

D. G. Goldberg et al., The organization and delivery of family planning services in community health centers. Women’s Health Issues 25, 202-208 (2015).

D. G. Goldberg et al., Team- based care: a critical element of primary care practice transformation. Population Health Management 16(3), 150-156 (2013).

D. G. Goldberg et al., Why do some primary care practices engage in practice improvement efforts whereas others do not? Health Services Research 48(2), 398-416 (2012).


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