Elise Miller-Hooks, PhD
PhD, Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Research Focus
My research team develops and runs stochastic, discrete-event, multi-unit, resource-constrained simulation models of emergency patient services at hospitals that follow patients through their care paths from entry through discharge. These models allow for hospital and regional capacity planning for surge in demand for emergency and critical care. In other research, my team works on hospital resilience quantification and tools to support hospital accessibility and functionality in disaster events.
Current Projects
■ NSF – “RAPID: A Portal to Support Models for Assessing Strategies for Hospitals in the COVID-19 and other Pandemics – MASH-Pandemics”: This RAPID grant has developed the Models for Assessing Strategies for Hospitals (MASH) in Pandemics (MASH-Pandemics) Portal (mashpandemics. vse.gmu.edu) with requisite modeling capabilities needed by hospitals and regions in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. MASH-Pandemics builds on previously developed sophisticated, detailed, discrete-event, simulation-based hospital capacity and capability analysis models of typical U.S. urban hospitals. This RAPID project supports the re-specification of these models, data collection, model runs, and results analysis, the outcomes from which will aid hospital administrators and regions in making optimal operational changes and collaboration plans.
Select Publications
Nguyen Engineering Building, 4511 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, VA 22030