Christopher Clarke, PhD
PhD, Communication, Cornell University
Research Focus
My research on health and environmental risk communication focuses on two broad questions: First, what factors motivate people to care about health and environmental topics? Second, how can we craft effective messages that motivate people to care more?
Within both areas, I am especially interested in the role of social-psychological factors like political ideology, attention to news media discourse, social norms, scientific consensus, and psychological distance. Specific topics of interest/expertise include energy development (i.e., unconventional oil and natural gas development via hydraulic fracturing – “fracking”); vaccine safety; and climate change, among others. I have an inter-disciplinary background in communication, public health, and environmental policy, and I try to engage all of these fields in my scholarship.
Current Projects
■ Designing message to build public support for federal climate policy, especially a carbon tax
■ Examining social-psychological factors that drive public support for federal climate policy, especially a carbon tax
Select Publications
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